Welcome to Zanzibar's World of Nuclear Energy!
I am Zanzibar, your upbeat nuclear hero. I bring positive energy to the discussion about the productive uses of nuclear energy. The technology is ready for humanity to thrive.
The World of Nuclear is a safe place to learn about all aspects of nuclear energy. We like to focus on verifiable truth and forward-thinking creativity. Skeptics and newbies are most welcome. Those who are already know about nuclear energy are also welcome to discuss and debate.
Spend some time here. There's a lot to discover, as we build new ways to interact and learn. Enjoy!
Free activities and information. Enjoy!
Social media for ideas about nuclear energy. Share thoughts as they come to you.
What Say You?
Long-form discussions about nuclear energy. Share your perspective, and challenge others to share theirs.
Mini Lessons
Learn everything you need to know to understand how nuclear energy can be put to good use.
Try nuclear simulators - fun and educational.
Fun & Games
Games with a nuclear theme.